Эрдсийг эрдэнэст
Ирээдүйг өндөр хөгжилд
Mining The Resources
Minding the future

From the Founder-Editor

The March issue of the Mongolian Mining Journal has even more articles and interviews on economic policy, decisions, solutions and trends than usual. The Mongolia Economic Forum marked the awakening of a new business awareness, with a basketful  of valuable business suggestions, tempered with fair criticism, and hints to improve capacity.

As the mineral sector keeps expanding, we at the MMJ are keeping pace by providing more information, increasing both our range and scope. We are pleased and proud to reveal that the MMJ team is administering the economic page of Mongolia’s most commonly visited website, www.gogo.mn. It facilitates the delivery of updated information to you much faster.

The MMJ professional team is also planning to administer the Mining Sector page of the popular and  powerful www.news.mn. It will present a comprehensive package of information including tendencies, reviews, discussions and opinions. Business news of mining companies that were presented in the pages of MMJ will now be accessible to the public online.

On top of all this, a TV channel on economic, business and mineral sector news will soon go on the air every day to keep you up to date with news and views on market trends. We get closer to you as our information outreach gets wider.